Once upon a time there raged in a certain city one of those fashionable epidemics which occasionally attack our youthful population.
The city also will help create up to one million jobs for the youthful population of the country, where 40% of the population are under 15.
It is a relatively youthful population due to high birth rates and low life expectancy even by African standards.
Studies suggest that about one-quarter of the youthful population would volunteer for a year of service.
The country has a youthful population; 50% of Hondurans are under the age of 19.
Sandy became a collection of small local communities identified by a youthful, family-oriented population.
And starting in 2019, the bureau says, the Hispanic American population, relatively youthful, will have the nation's lowest death rate.
High birth rates can cause stress on the government welfare and family programs to support a youthful population.
"Our biggest challenge, very simply, is to control a youthful population, many of whom come to UConn from somewhere else," he said.
And just about the whole youthful population of the entire civilized world.