These grown men retain a youthful passion for baseball cards, old and new.
Besides having youthful passions, the young clothing shoppers also have buying power.
I don't hear about youthful passion as I used to in those kitchens.
Through eyes misty with youthful passion, we watched the sky grow dark and the stars come out.
Beyond that, there is youthful passion, too much sometimes, but genuine.
No magician's trick could keep him focused in the face of youthful passion.
In a longer view, it was a return to his youthful passion for philosophy.
Only when she was graduating from high school did she remember her youthful passion.
The 20-to-30-somethings in the crowd talked with a mix of youthful passion and idealism.
His youthful passion was science experiments, and he went to work in a photography shop after graduating from high school.