Søltoft plays a 17-year-old high school student who discovers the youthful excesses of sexual desire during his summer vacation in 1913.
I turned my pallid back on this youthful excess and slouched to a distant beach where portly men in baggy trunks might swim in peace.
They wowed Europe before suffering a temporary collapse from youthful excess.
His avoidance of youthful excesses helped him overcome bad health and become physically vigorous, which he was to the end of his military career.
From his own youthful excesses, Raczko developed a restrained training and racing program for Webb.
By morning, Dutiful knew far more of my youthful excesses than I had ever planned on divulging to him.
Their byplay was pure San Francisco, now unconnected to youthful excesses; the songs were enduring period pieces.
The tabloids followed him around and ran lurid alliterative headlines about his alleged youthful excesses, but they were kind toward him.
Mr. Duke also denied the frequent charge that he is a racist, following his customary argument that his Klan activity was a youthful excess.
"It's not enough to say those were different times or this was some sort of youthful excess," he argued.