The production is delightful and the youthful cast, despite the challenges of singing the music, wins you over.
For the most part, the youthful cast turned out solid performances in David Gately's staging.
She said that "the youthful cast has a limited register but offer enough self-conscious blasé posing."
This dynamism, moreover, is enhanced by a deliberately youthful cast.
So, too, does the fact that he is older by decades than most of the other members of the youthful cast.
Regularly throughout the show, the audience is invited to engage in call-and-response hand-clapping and finger-snapping with the youthful cast.
The youthful cast is a definite plus.
Overall Ms. Groag elicited winning portrayals from the eager and youthful cast.
Also responsible for the set design and amazingly effective lighting, Michael Poynor's production made superb use of his youthful cast.
The Islanders have an intriguing and youthful cast of players.