Thousands of pounds of damage has been caused by the rioting, which started after youths congregated in Queen Square shortly after 4.30pm.
Also in the summer is the annual Farmers' Ball, when the village's youth congregate in a marquee on the football field to drink and dance.
Corll is known to have installed a pool table at the rear of the candy factory where employees and local youths would congregate.
Some youths astride shining motor-cycles had congregated outside a closed motor-cycle shop.
"That house over there," he said, pointing to an empty-looking dwelling down the block where he said youths congregate.
Approximately 50 youths congregated in Oxford Circus and caused some damage to property.
He said 300 youths aged between 12 and 18 had congregated near the station.
Youth unemployment is high, and many unemployed youths in Belize City congregate on street corners or meet in storefronts known as "bases."
Downtown shopping districts where youths could once congregate have either been replaced by malls or actively discourage young people through curfews and anti-loitering ordinances.
Mr. Bar-Lev said the youths who stoned Jews last week had congregated at Mugrabi gate.