The next year over 500 youth attend, again in Selma.
But several students said the youth had not attended any classes for months and had apparently dropped out of school.
An estimated 40,000 children, youth and adults have until 1996 attended the Tvind schools since the first school was established in 1970.
Police officials estimated later that 100 to 150 youths attended the party.
Four youths attended the second class, each with a parent.
About 14 youths aged 13 to 18 attended, and 8 stayed overnight, the police said.
The event took place between 2nd and 7 August and approximately 7000 youths attended.
About 100 youths attend the center, and all of them seem to think Frankie is king of the hill.
When they're not studying, the youths attend dance, drama or art classes.
Approximately 40,000 youth and adult leaders attended the event, between the two weeks it was spread.