And yet it now appears that the endless search for smoother and younger-looking skin and the tireless acquisition of conspicuous signs of wealth have collided at the cosmetics counter.
The eternal wish for a "fountain of youth" can be seen in the innumerable products and procedures advertised in books, magazines, and other media that promise "younger-looking skin."
It even fights aging: Lutein plus vitamins A and C up collagen production (for strong bones and younger-looking skin).
"It's amazing how a few strategic tweaks in your routine can shave off years, giving you younger-looking skin and hair," says makeup artist Mally Roncal.
Light daily skin exfoliation with an alpha-hydroxy acid contributes to smoother, younger-looking skin.
Follow up with a lotion or cream that contains the antioxidant vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and contains alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) for deeper penetration and younger-looking skin.
After six months of hormone injections, 21 men lost fat, gained muscle, augmented their kidney and heart functions and regained thicker, younger-looking skin.
Now you can work on getting younger-looking skin even when you're removing your makeup and mascara.
Do you want younger-looking skin?
The No. 1 secret to glowing, younger-looking skin, according to author David Colbert, MD, a New York dermatologist, is a diet of healthy, unprocessed foods.