The romantic hero was a very young-looking man, prematurely old and still quite sick when the romance came.
There were three Germans, young-looking men, and they had their rifles trained on his stomach.
A lone vampire stood guard, a young-looking man with dark hair, a high forehead and broody eyebrows.
The pilot, a young-looking man with a mask over his face, was waving weakly at them.
My door was opened and a very young-looking man in a peaked cap was shown in.
His eyes widen slightly and he leads me to the table where an improbably young-looking man is holding court.
Another crew member-a young-looking man with short brown hair-was in the hall nearby.
Marching with it was an honor guard of incredibly young-looking enlisted men drawn from all the services.
Darcy Creel turned out to be a blond, young-looking man of about thirty with a slender, wiry build.