COER is a brand name that gets finally establishment on the minds of young would-be technocrats.
He was advised by young well-qualified technocrats recruited from King Saud University during his governorship.
The killing has exposed fault lines in a society that, notwithstanding its rising stock market and confident young technocrats, remains divided and uncertain.
He was among "the promising young technocrats" under Abdullah Al Tariki, the first Saudi oil minister.
The list of 16 ministers announced today included few of the organization's younger technocrats, and only two women.
He is a political hybrid - for one thing, a young technocrat with a doctorate in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In presenting his new government, comprised largely of young technocrats without previous government experience, Petre Roman called for a rapid transformation to a market economy.
In a series of changes announced late Sunday, Mr. Zedillo also backed away a bit from the young, American-trained technocrats who dominated his original team.
Many of the new members were young or middle-aged technocrats who replaced old conservatives.
He has named a cabinet of young technocrats and has proposed sweeping changes to lay the foundations of a market economy by January.