The way we saw it was a young shortstop giving a low relay throw to second base that held up the play.
Unlike the Rodriguez affair, it wasn't quite love at first sight between the Yankees and their young shortstop.
But I think what you'll find a lot, too, is that things come in cycles, and there are a lot of good young shortstops.
Their young shortstop, Mariano Duncan, made 21 errors in 67 games.
"That's not the case," the Indians' good young shortstop said.
The Indians, however, are grateful that their young shortstop can separate his hitting from his fielding.
Bobby Meacham, whom he ordered sent to the minors after the young shortstop made an error in the fourth game of the season.
Maybe the brilliant young shortstop should take the million-dollar offer that's on the table from the Mariners.
I mean, there are a lot of young, good shortstops around, like Royce Clayton and others.
"This guy must live here," Cone said, grabbing the young shortstop's hand.