The dawazz, his face invisible to the young royals seated in front of him, grinned hugely.
The younger royals have several times held private parties at Wood Farm.
But he is also expected to tackle the monarch over the damage done to Britain's image by younger royals.
She has been warned that the public will not continue to hand over large sums to some of the young royals.
Mr Major fears the antics of younger royals threaten the institution's future.
How different the treatment of our young royals in Canada.
Some theories believe that Nefertiti was still alive and held influence on the younger royals.
Anyone like me who was sent to boarding school at an early age will identify with the personal difficulties of the young royals.
In 2009, she was ranked among the 20 hottest young royals in the world by Forbes magazine.
Even some younger royals worry about the pace.