"While it does derive loosely from the opera itself, the film maker's idea of setting the scene at a gymnasium among weight lifters who utterly ignore two swooning, casually naked young lovelies has its ludicrous side," she said.
In Part 2, the scene changes to a seedy living room where, lo and behold, the mysterious stranger sits on a sofa wearing an open-neck shirt with pants and boots and cuddling two young lovelies in their underwear.
No more thinking about young lovelies!
The Spelling mix was complete, right down to a beach party scene in which two of the young lovelies rushed off to indulge in what looked like a homage to the classic Burt Lancaster-Deborah Kerr beach tryst in "From Here to Eternity."
"I have quite accepted this effect I have on young lovelies, my dear."
Philadelphia General Hospital may have been huge and bewildering to a young intern, but its size had one advantage: There was no shortage of attractive student nurses and other young lovelies in training.
"We ought by rights to be walking around with dark circles under our eyes and a look of wild despair," Theodora said, putting an arm around Eleanor and looking into the mirror beside her, "and look at us-two blooming, fresh young lovelies."
Surrounded by seductive, manipulative men and other young lovelies (one stands with "her slim butt like a raised tail and her shoulders like pointy ears"), plied with cocaine, she reaches a zenith of sorts.
The thirty young lovelies there were getting a good dose of "reality" shoved right down their throats.