Neither of the young leads could read, so they couldn't really prepare their scenes in advance.
The film showed the young male lead undergoing a traditional Samoan tattoo.
If they made up the youngest leads in the ballet so far, they were by no means the least professionally mature.
Franco Zeffirelli made sure everything was gorgeous - the costumes, the music, the two young leads.
The young female lead is played by Jean Arthur.
The shooting began in November 1999, with Sherina as the young lead.
She's a young lead who dies, then goes back and realizes how we don't appreciate life on a day-to-day basis.
Shelby idealises her marriage to Humphrey, depicting them as his young romantic leads.
The film was Grant's last role as the suave pursuer of the young female lead.
Rivalry built up in the young leads to great unhappiness.