Photographs from "Teenage Lust," published in 1983, are more sexually graphic, showing young male hustlers at work.
The young hustler is sizing Randy up as a potential customer.
The term eventually came to describe "a young male hustler, a gangster, a hoodlum, or a ruffian".
After dropping Howie off, John returns to the local rest area where young hustlers wait for johns, and sits in his car.
In the morning, he receives a visit from Marc, a young hustler.
The four young hustlers swigging Hennessey and sharing a fat blunt on the building's front steps scowl.
Mr. Miner's father was once propositioned by a young hustler at the front door.
What difference, some might ask, does it make if it was written by a young male hustler or a middle-aged mom?
The young hustler is gone, but he's followed by an equally unpromising passion, a Venetian Casanova.