"Not this time, you young hellion!"
Leo, he was just a young hellion, that was all.
If there was one thing that might tame this young hellion, it was a good woman.
His Acumen, the president of Crosley, was getting on; he had two sons, one a moron and the other a young hellion.
It seems you were a young hellion and quite uncontrollable so you soon achieved the official status of delinquent.
The Ship Who Sang "A young hellion, with all those freckles," snorted Helva.
He simply couldn't watch the young hellion twenty-four hours a day.
I'll take a club to you yet, you young hellion!
Right behind me sat a small boy named Patrick Hanrahan: a wiry, red-haired young hellion with a South Boston accent.
"A young hellion, with all those freckles," snorted Helva.