But sometimes one layer just won't do, particularly when young gamers sling their disks all over the place.
The game is generating a lot of hype from young Chinese gamers even before its release.
It would be great to see the industry start taking some responsibility about the lessons it is teaching young gamers.
This can be frustrating, especially when you're playing with a younger gamer who wants something explained-but you need to figure it out for yourself first.
Starting from issue 90 the magazine would focus on new PS2 owners and the younger gamer.
But everyone seems to agree that the ranks of young video gamers are substantial.
He looks lean, healthy and about as far from the stereotypical image of young, male gamer that you could imagine.
Despite its cute appearance the game does contain blood perhaps making it unsuitable for younger gamers.
If your young gamer loves all of these characters I highly recommend a rental instead.
It's proper to worry about what young gamers will see when they stop for hot coffee.