C. Mayer is a relatively young formation, with a sharp-edged and well-defined outer rim.
This is a relatively young formation with features that have not been significantly worn by impacts.
The youngest formations are no more than a few hundred years old.
This is a relatively young formation with features that have not received a significant amount of wear or erosion from subsequent impacts.
Lichtenberg is a relatively young formation with a small system of rays.
To all appearances this is a young formation that was created in the relatively recent past, geologically speaking.
The higher albedo of the inner walls, compared to the surrounding terrain, indicates that this is a relatively young formation.
This is a relatively young formation, and the rim is still sharp and well-defined.
North Sulawesi is considered to be a 'young' formation, of 5-24 million years of age.
This crater is a younger formation than the two craters it overlies, particularly the worn Huggins to the west.