Only among the youngest entrants to the work force, a natural weeding-out process.
Gordon, from Mooresville, N.C., was the youngest entrant, by two years, in a race in which the average age of the 42 drivers was 38.
He was the 27,346th runner to cross the finish line and came in ahead of 836 mostly younger entrants.
He thus became one of the youngest entrants into the Indian Parliament as an elected member of the Lok Sabha from 1957 to 1962.
A young entrant was Mr Eldred, aged 15, of King's Lynn.
Alongside a string of personal exhibitions, he also achieved much press attention for being the youngest entrant at the 1904 Royal Academy summer exhibition.
The problem with such plans is that the flat rate could be low for young entrants and high for old entrants.
The youngest entrant was three years of age while the oldest was 84.
Encouragement and gastronomic advice were shouted out as one by one the young entrants fell by the wayside.
Pearce made national headlines as the youngest entrant who recorded the fastest time of any woman pilot, heavily handicapped and just two seconds behind the eventual winner.