Despite his clothes, he must be more than the young countryman he seemed, because commoners were never housed in the Stone-save for Defenders and servants, of course.
In fact, the grand duke himself, who was only 24, took pride in his young countryman's discovery.
One year later, the Kings selected his younger countryman Peja Stojaković.
In 1926, being the editor of a newspaper, he helped his young talented countryman Aleksandr Tvardovsky.
Oh that my young countrymen could all have been there, that they might have seen what a pale trembling, pitiful figure a detected rascal makes!
Still, Martin sensed that time was marching ahead without his younger countrymen making their mark - on clay or any other surface.
Islam, like several other of his young countrymen, succumbed to the persuasion of his coach, Chechens to leave for permanent residence in Turkey.
The women had a high illiteracy rate and lived circumscribed lives of inordinately hard work caring for large families and young countrymen as boarders.
Osama bin Laden himself is Saudi, and he has found many of his recruits among his disaffected young countrymen.
Old Giorgio, in profound ignorance of his wife's views and hopes, had a great regard for his young countryman.