During this period, the young cartoonists also were the beneficiaries of "useful advice" from Art Spiegelman.
By the age of 15, he became the world's youngest published cartoonist after compiling his early work in a book called Scraps.
At age 19, Ohman was the youngest cartoonist ever to be nationally syndicated.
In the early 1980s he became one of Punch magazine's youngest cartoonists.
Chatfield is the youngest cartoonist to take on the iconic comic strip in its 90 year history.
Heeding the advice, the young cartoonist intimated himself with local happenings.
At last week's meeting, he asked a younger cartoonist why all his cowboys looked as though they were riding dogs.
As of the book's publication the magazine had published more than 100 of Diffee's cartoons, a significant accomplishment for a young cartoonist.
At the time he joined, Gibbard was the youngest cartoonist in the paper's history at 23.
Nice to see a young cartoonist getting a break - but he really should work on his hands more - the left one's badly drawn.