"A Man's Job" is a resentful song about an ex's new, younger boyfriend.
Fran also must deal with the fact that others, including her son, disapprove of the relationship she has with her much younger boyfriend.
"Your young boyfriend is a formidable general!"
"He's got a younger boyfriend, looks like a meditator."
I particularly like the fact that she had a younger, uh, boyfriend.
I thought you only had young boyfriends at university.
Picking him up from his new job as a law clerk for a federal judge, I was proud of my smoke-free, young professional boyfriend.
'Something to do with that crazy young boyfriend, I suppose.'
Georgie will get a new, younger boyfriend, played by Joe Flanagan.
It revolves around an elderly married Oxford professor who falls in love with his secretary and how the secretary's young boyfriend reacts to the affair.