The 70's was the era of the young backpacker who traveled light, with friends or alone, in an effort to better commune with nature.
Mike, an aspiring student journalist on summer break from Harvard, is assigned to report a magazine story about young backpackers living it up in Bangkok.
Several young backpackers were looking these over this afternoon, along with a local man, Pietro Giammona, 42.
Which raises the question of whether young backpackers are seeking new frontiers or just a good party.
We also heard young backpackers speaking French, Italian, German and many other languages.
"You are not tourists," our guide Oscar promised us two days later, as we joined 15 young backpackers from around the world at the trailhead.
Let's hope these young backpackers go on to live long and happy lives.
"We get Europeans and young backpackers who think no bathroom is no big deal."
They said no one would be interested in a couple of young American backpackers.
But mostly he has spent the last several months globe-trotting like a young backpacker.