Skylark Airport is a small airstrip to help young aviators learn how to fly.
As the flyers head off on a mission, the young aviator promises to return to her.
He was, at the age of 17, the "youngest licensed aviator in the world".
And now to return to the young aviators during their walk.
"You're knocking me silly with that, Tom," protested the other young aviator.
Soon the young aviator settled down to try to get some sleep, as some time still remained before dawn would break.
"I can think of at least one young aviator who could use some of that, sir."
And while you're at it, manifest that young aviator my predecessor was trying to string up," Tombstone said.
At the age of 20, he was the youngest naval aviator in the Vietnam war.
The young aviators had no idea that one of the passengers was a former Gestapo officer.