Mr. Johnson told his young admirer that he would be welcome any time.
For a moment, he contemplated paying her another visit, this time in the mind of her young admirer.
During a church outing last summer he had come upon her surrounded by a group of young admirers.
The dance over, Madeleine's young admirer went off to procure her a glass of lemonade.
He was flooded with mail from young admirers, many of them saying they wanted to be like him when they grew up.
"One of your younger admirers to pay homage," she told him.
What were all these young admirers to her?
In it, carefully folded, was a huge swastika banner, which had been sent by a young admirer.
But it is not his looks alone that have captivated Prince William's young admirers.
He left her and began to surround himself with young male admirers.