I've seen other members of young Hollywood in really trampy outfits.
The mansion is once again a major night-life destination for young Hollywood in search of raw, retro fun.
If young Hollywood has decided heroin is cool, they didn't learn it at the movies.
It also features teen survival tips from some of young Hollywood's hottest stars.
And even at relative bargain prices, young Hollywood does have certain demands.
But on this night, young, old and middle-aged Hollywood seemed to coexist nicely.
He's plugged into "young Hollywood" - and when he's not working or writing, he's usually hanging out at the beach.
By 2 a.m. the last of young Hollywood was making its way out of Morton's.
Song has been described as one of "young Hollywood's most promising rising stars" and a "young phenomenon on the rise" by media outlets.
From alternative music, heroin crossed over to young Hollywood, those familiar with the scene say.