He's a young Elvis - round about when he first discovered the power of his legendary pelvis.
Were they all there because they had once adored the young Elvis?
He said he believed voters would - and in his opinion, should - go with the younger Elvis.
But now, looking across the years to Aug. 16, 1977, it becomes clear just how young Elvis was when he died.
Hess said that the serious young Elvis would ask him, "How do you make a record?"
He said he would be hard-pressed to pull off a young Elvis.
Dougal represents the young Elvis, who "one day in the 1950s created rock and roll".
But if a young person could do the young Elvis, they'd be a superstar.
Start with these photos of a young Elvis, then follow his life in pictures over the pages of this article.
But postal authorities said the young Elvis was preferred 3-to-1.