Without it, we might not have had the surplus that may be about to pay off politically for the younger Bush, big time.
In other ways, the circumstance encountered by the older and younger Bush is almost unique.
Rove advised the younger Bush during his unsuccessful Texas congressional campaign in 1978.
Still, it did not quite turn out to be the younger Bush's day.
The young Bush helped Somers to get his first real career break as a landman.
He described the younger Bush's presidency as "an agenda of energizing the far-right-wing base, which is divisive."
The efforts to link the younger Bush with his father are inevitable because of their similarities.
Valentine, too, must play his role if the Rangers are to make the younger Bush as successful as his father.
Of those 11, only New Hampshire voted for the younger Bush in this election.
A reporter asked young Bush what he thought about the outcome.