Last week scientists in Mexico City announced that such a procedure had yielded sharp improvements in two patients.
Throughout the mission, calibration techniques were improved, and the final software for data reduction yielded significant improvements over earlier calibrations.
The survey is structured to yield comparisons between actual conditions and desired improvements for the future.
Additional Gains The company expects recent organizational changes to yield additional improvements.
At the root of his reforms is an acute understanding that tinkering with the American educational system has failed to yield major improvements.
Changing physical education classes so that students spend more class time in motion can yield measurable improvements in fitness, a new study reports.
Yet, many experts and former supporters say, the reforms by the left-leaning president have yielded few real improvements for the 24 million Venezuelans.
What has been achieved in the realm of agriculture is truly a milestone, and it shows that years of hard work do actually yield improvements.
But a desire to ensure optimal infrastructure use is not, on its own, sufficient to yield improvements.
The establishment of a shared customer-focused corporate culture between the two companies was estimated to yield improvements in revenue per unit area.