The yield advantage has proved immensely popular with investors seeking refuge from historically low interest rates.
But this yield advantage may soon slip away.
And severe price declines can more than offset their yield advantage, as unhappy investors discovered when the junk market collapsed in 1990.
The yield advantages of these varieties were in the range of 28% to 67%.
In an area of 2.0 ha, it has recorded yield advantage of 32% compared to the local check.
Money-market funds are usually more liquid than certificates of deposit, but their yield advantage has been lost and they are not insured.
Q: How much of a yield advantage have junk bonds offered over Treasury funds to compensate investors for the added risk?
Most important, Pioneer flooded the market with new strains of corn that increased its yield advantage back to more than seven bushels an acre.
Similarly, if there is no yield advantage to using chemicals, subsidies are not open to blame for high chemical use.
That is because money funds, which, on average, regained their historical yield advantage over bank money market accounts late last summer, follow Fed actions closely.