The pale, yellowish brick that Soane liked so much blends pleasingly with a landscape of stubble fields.
Located in the southwestern quadrant of the metropolitan area, it is a big pile of yellowish bricks that sits in a mixed-use neighborhood amid businesses, cornfields, new condominium developments and old streets of single homes.
The three-piered bridge was made of the same yellowish brick, with only the base of the piers that rose out of the sluggish gray water being stone.
Behind it, seven more humps of yellowish brick, linked together by round concrete pipes, marched up the hillside.
It was a biggish house in a terrace, yellowish brick and white window frames about five or ten minutes walk from King's Cross.
The colors used for the exteriors are a bit odd - while the vaguely purplish-gray hue of the granite at the base is wonderful, it does not sit happily with the very warm, yellowish brick of the tower.
The tower is 40 m (131 ft) high and built of yellowish brick held together with clay mortar.
The red tile roofs of a hundred or more houses poked up over the walls of yellowish brick.
In a few places, dwellings and shops, seemingly rebuilt from the yellowish bricks, rose in clumps.
The tapering walls were of unadorned, yellowish, sunbaked brick.