When buying watercress, choose bunches that are bright and fresh looking and avoid those with yellowed leaves.
But many conditions can make the difference between a disease-prone rose garden and one with nary a yellowed leaf.
A large picture that covered one wall showed a maple tree shedding yellowed leaves in autumn, standing in a field near open water.
Among The Shadow's clippings were old, yellowed leaves that mentioned the lost galleon.
Or one or two yellowed leaves may not indicate a problem.
Piles of dead twigs and yellowed leaves lined the path, waiting to be composted.
I move among my plants picking off a faded flower here and a yellowed leaf there.
The sun setting on a wall of climbing roses with nary a yellowed black-spotted leaf?
Place the bulbs with the yellowed leaves still attached to mark their locations.
The caterpillars will not eat yellowed leaves, and will move on to another host-plant in search of green leaves.