Martin picked up a yellowed copy of Silver Screen with the enticing headline 'What It Takes to Be a 1939 Girl'.
All the original artwork had been destroyed, but Mr. Thorne worked with yellowed copies of the newspaper, scanning and cleaning the strips.
Robert Baker, a 1982 graduate, held aloft a yellowed copy of Time magazine with a cover story on the Glassboro summit as he delivered a pep-rally-style speech opposing the name change.
Except for several dead roaches and a yellowed copy of the New Republic, the station wagon had been cleaned out.
"Let me show you my dad's obituary," Jani Bohn answered, pointing to a yellowed copy of a newspaper with a headline, "Auto-parts dealer Budd Lyons, 'never a quitter.' "
A yellowed copy of the final edition of the paper, dated Oct. 18, 1991, is lying on a shelf in the deserted newsroom.
When it came time to leave Alethea Christine destroyed the yellowed copy of the magazine interview with Rhys.
It reminds me of the time when I was a little girl and found a yellowed copy of a 1930's science fiction novel in my grandmother's basement.
I just unearthed a yellowed copy of the tabloid Star that I had kept from June 1992, when it was published.
Three-quarters of a century after embarking on their final adventures, yellowed copies of the Rover Boys books can be found in American thrift shops and flea markets.