He was in yellow trousers and big hat.
Her green dress flickered to Birgitte's white coat and voluminous yellow trousers for an instant, then snapped back.
By the close, even the sight of a man in yellow trousers surfing across the battered crowd can barely raise a flicker of surprise.
He wore a typical Haarin color-clash of purple overshirt and yellow trousers.
Added to these attractions were a red nose and dirty yellow trousers.
My young man wore tight yellow trousers with reddish stripes and his name was Oronte.
A child of perhaps three or four, in short white coat and wide yellow trousers, stood there playing with a toy-sized silver bow.
A pretty little girl in long, unlined yellow trousers of raw silk came out through a sliding door that seemed too good for the surroundings.
A white stock was tied at his throat and he wore baggy yellow trousers tucked into furry boots.
He extracted a little bottle of the finest quality from the folds of his wide yellow trousers.