It is a striking picture, painted in 1915, the poet depicted in a dashing blue dress with yellow shawl against a kaleidoscopic green landscape.
Perpetual sun overhead like a hot bath, innocent limbs, a happiness that did not know itself - these were the strands of the yellow shawl she pictured.
Her eyes rested on the woman in the yellow shawl, but did not soften.
When she came forward, a thin, bowed woman with a yellow shawl, I sensed that we were in serious trouble.
Rhett Butler had brought her a yellow shawl from Havana several months before, a shawl gaudily embroidered with birds and flowers in magenta and blue.
She wore a long yellow shawl draped over her head, fanning out over her shoulders, bunched loosely across her bony knees.
As she turned her head, the yellow shawl dropped away.
Amid all this golden flood of light Agnia gazed with half-closed eyes towards the sun, whose rays seemed to have transmuted her yellow shawl into gold.
Her fine-spun yellow shawl had slipped from her shoulders down to her elbows and looked like a pair of translucent golden wings.
He watched the Tibetans dancing and piling white and pale yellow shawls on a table to be sent to the Dalai Lama.