Also according to him, the whole of north India consisted of a yellow race.
By this Gobineau refers to his division of humans into three main races: white, black, and yellow.
Mussolini himself felt "the white man has to subdue the black, brown and yellow races.
It is probably superior to that of the red or yellow races.
The yellow races, led by Japan, ready to overwhelm us through sheer numbers.
The result: angry people flapping their arms as passenger-less blurs of yellow race by.
Yellow also implies that China belongs to the Chinese people, a "yellow race".
A man dressed in a surgeon's white gown entered the room to be followed by six vicious-faced men of both yellow and white races.
Sooner or later there will have to be a showdown between the white and the yellow races.
There were three principal races, white, yellow and black, and the white was the superior.