These cheeses have a slightly yellower paste than the Stiltons available at other times of the year and are perfect for eating at Christmas.
The man concealed his ignorance by fetching a jar of yellow paste.
The bright yellow, viscous paste usually comes in a glass jar and is used as a topping for cheesesteaks, corn chips, hot dogs and other foods.
The second is silijou, a fermented, sour, spicy, thin, yellow paste of broad bean flour.
Crouched in the phone booth, Slink produced a tube of cold cream; he smeared it lavishly to remove the yellow paste from his face.
A yellow paste dripped from its lips.
The cheeses are cylindrical in shape with a white coating, a yellow smooth paste and a salty flavour.
Mya rubbed drops of water into the tree bark to form a yellow paste.
They smoked smoldering yellow paste through tubes.
Within the leaves are spicy chicken or pork and a yellow silky paste often made from grated plantains.