He opened it and took out two pairs of small yellow pajamas with feet.
Somewhere over the Atlantic, he emerged barefoot in yellow pajamas and, doing knee bends in the aisle, held an informal staff meeting.
The werewolf collapses to its knees as Marty's dad, wildeyed and dressed in bright yellow pajamas, dashes into the room.
And then Ben walked past me in his yellow pajamas, his face blank of expression but tear tracks glistening on his cheeks.
I make fun of his yellow pajamas.
He was dead, in her bed, in yellow pajamas.
One 6-year-old boy squirmed into a new set of yellow pajamas, his face scrunched up in disapproval.
"For the arm, and the bath and the pretty yellow pajamas, too."
Tung wore prisoner's bright yellow pajamas, and radiated malice like a small pre-nova sun.
He was wearing bright yellow pajamas under a maroon silk bathrobe with a big velvet belt.