As I waded back ashore, a school of yellow tropical fish flickered past.
Ford was holding up a small glass jar which quite clearly had a small yellow fish wriggling around in it.
Big yellow fish is particularly good, as are the fresh crab and eel.
Becoming a yellow fish, one who can swim in the deepest waters, was a river he had yet to ford.
The cheerful yellow fish looked almost obscene out here in the freezing woods.
Outside the window the light filtering through the water had faded to a dusky green, small orange and yellow fish were looking in at him.
He found a stream filled with yellow fish that he did not know, and watched them for more than an hour.
Alternatively, what chance does a white, yellow or orange fish have of lurking in wait for prey?
A large yellow fish rose to the surface and, in a swirl of water, gobbled them down.
The pools below each of these were clear and placid, filled with yellow fish.