So when prison officials gave him the news, he threw his arms wide and grinned, he recalled Sunday during an interview at his parents' yellow cottage here.
Their house was the third one from the end in a half-square of little yellow cottages around a central courtyard.
The back porch of a yellow cottage was visible across the lawn, but I knew I had to have a couple of minutes to collect myself.
She seemed excited by the notion and wished us well, following the man to a small yellow cottage just beyond the tower.
Briefly Peter told him of finding the last coin in the pirate's sack, how he had wished to be in Oz and suddenly found himself standing before the yellow cottage.
Family members gathered on Friday afternoon at his parents' yellow cottage on Shelter Island, awaiting Mr. Payne's arrival.
In the distance they could see the shimmering sand of the dangerous desert, while not far away stood a small, yellow, dome-shaped cottage.
The new addition had doubled the size of the little yellow cottage, and an enlarged deck overlooked the lake.
He untied the mooring ropes. . . . A hundred yards out, he looked back at the small yellow cottage on the slope above the lake.
Her yellow cottage suffered structural and water damage, and her longleaf pines snapped in half.