A green and yellow beacon marked a small hatch, but though his head ached from concentrating on his implants, he felt no response.
At night, there were rotating red and yellow beacons everywhere, many rising into the air or coming down out of the starry sky.
As he looked, yellow beacons flashed in it, rescue workers searching for something.
Along the slopes of the river valley, faintly visible, small yellow beacons burnt beneath open-walled huts to mark the way for dragons flying through the night.
In fact they almost engulfed our present position, with only a thin chain of friendly yellow beacons connecting us to the welcoming haven of Imperial space.
He unfastened her from Rolan; she stumbled thank--fully toward the yellow beacon of the fire with half-frozen limbs.
But there's no need to pull over for the hypnotic yellow beacons that grace circus trailers, double-wide mobile homes and roadside lawn mowers.
Inexorably and with a kind of indifference the twin yellow beacons went on winking rhythmically.
All-way red flashing lights can supplement all-way stop control, but all-way yellow beacons are prohibited by US regulations.
Ellie Quinlan's window shone like a soft yellow beacon.