In red stockings, a long yellow cape and a face mask he looks a Latin American version of Superman.
Robin got a less elaborate costume: a red vest, green boots, a yellow cape and no tights.
So director Lennie Mayne insisted on the addition of a yellow cape to the costume in an attempt to rectify this.
It is tall, green, has one large blue eye, six arms and a high-pitched voice, wears a long yellow cape and walks with a nervous gait.
He wore a yellow cape that bulged over his portable suspensors.
The capote is a large, flowing, magenta and yellow cape.
They love seeing her dance, and encourage her to take a deep bow in her red nightgown and yellow cape (a blanket).
The shoulders and neck were ball-jointed, with a light plastic yellow cape.
She wore loose white breeches to the knee and a yellow cape flapping in the wind.