He is waving his arms, yelling words that Grace cannot understand.
Despite the noise around him, he heard Ericsson lumbering through the darkened house, overturning furniture and yelling unintelligible words.
Yama yelled, words that hurt his throat and tongue.
He was standing in front of it when two grown-ups with guns started running at him and yelling nonsense words.
He made his way through the water and over ice floes for 20 minutes, yelling words of encouragement.
They were yelling words that made no sense to her, threatening punishments that she could barely imagine on the guards.
Stonzai, looking down at her, suddenly pointed, yelling words Lisele didn't understand.
Confident that the charge would carry the full distance, she turned to yell further encouraging words to her troops.
My eyes widened as I heard someone yelling indiscernible words and then another crash.
The human staggered to its feet and yelled words.