But the girl was yelling instructions now, and other people were rushing towards us from the open door; there wasn't time to make the kill.
The detective yelled instructions over his shoulder to have the sheriff's department contacted.
Even in the fourth quarter, he was yelling instructions and applauding every play.
During games, the coach stomps his feet and yells instructions.
The strategy builds slowly and is easy to pick up, so even younger kids will be yelling instructions in no time.
She yelled a great deal but I realized, even at a young age, that she was always yelling instructions.
Devenko turned and ran back to his men, yelling instructions.
He no longer had the strength to yell instructions to the men on the catamaran.
The courtroom deputy stopped in front of the bench and yelled instructions for all to sit.
My friend stood off to the side, yelling instructions.