She is paid a small yearly sum by the Andy Warhol Foundation in New York.
Some scratchcards even have jackpots other than one-off payments, such as a yearly sum or a car.
I pay him a yearly sum for i11 with the right to walk in the grounds.
The new nation of Panama sold a canal zone to the United States for $10 million and a steadily increasing yearly sum.
In 1810 he was granted a yearly sum of £600 for his services in Turkey.
The resulting yearly sum is subtracted from the result of the previous step.
The Canadian government supported the plan and agreed to pay £150,000, and endeavours were made to persuade the British government to supply a yearly sum of £75,000.
In his will he left the school house to trustees, and also certain almshouses, together with a yearly sum of £6 for a monthly lecture.
He leased it from the Astor family, which often held property for the ground rents, leasing them out to developers while collecting a small yearly sum.
Iturbide began to live extravagantly, assigning himself a large yearly sum as compensation.