I reckon the average user will keep it in working order for ages - I kill them at roughly yearly intervals.
They released their first self-titled album the following year, which proved a success and was followed by further albums at approximately yearly intervals throughout the 1970s.
The Union previously published directories of Old Newingtonians at five yearly intervals but that publication has been superseded by an on-line directory.
Its elections have been in May 2008 and 2013, to be at four yearly intervals, the expected length of office of each councillor.
They didn't achieve residual trap rates below 5%, so most of Karioi now has aerial drops of 1080 poison at about 5 yearly intervals.
Report to me at yearly intervals, or more often if necessary.
Either three, four or five permanent branches may be cultivated, each being grown at yearly intervals.
There are coral reproductive bodies in all her body cells, and these coral bodies liquefy, if that's the proper word, at yearly intervals.
The proposal envisages renewal of the validation at yearly intervals.
Given the rapid pace of technological development in office and telecommunications equipment, I think yearly intervals would be appropriate.