It was the first in a long series of yearly gatherings at this same location, stretching almost without interruption for more than half a century.
Mayfest is a yearly gathering to celebrate School Alumni and the town's festivities.
The yearly gathering and harvesting shapes our lives.
The movement continues today and there is a yearly gathering as well as a place to share your or others' ecological direct action stories, EF!
The souq was a place for yearly social, political and commercial gatherings.
A yearly gathering of delegates from different sectors of society to make known the innovations of IT initiatives and foster creative collaborations to form new ideas.
There are also yearly gatherings which involve multiple branches simultaneously, the largest of which is the Summerfest.
The Tolnedrans have been objecting to this rather informal yearly gathering for centuries now--largely because they aren't invited.
Sarah Ferguson speaking Wednesday at BookExpo America, publishing's yearly gathering.
The eclectic field of outsider art holds its yearly gathering at the exhibition space 7 West.