The yearly cost of keeping a patient in a group home is about $35,000, compared with $120,000 for hospitalization.
But the basic yearly cost of the pension increase to the city would remain at $105 million.
The $450 yearly cost is picked up by the union.
The yearly cost of diabetes is estimated at $98 billion.
And they squeezed $108 million out of yearly costs.
My taxes would go up $175, plus another $15.60 for yearly operational costs, based on the current interest rate.
Your donation would help finance the yearly $300,000 cost of caring for the park's 26,000 trees.
That means the parents have to come up with the full yearly cost of all the sports - some $548,000 - by Aug. 22.
Yes I did have a couple big expences, but that was used to figure the average yearly cost.
She said the average yearly cost of day care in the state's 11,000 licensed programs is over $5,000.