This, by the way, is the company's seventh yearly benefit for the Town Hall Theater, the proceeds this time helping to finance renovation of the entranceway (591-6602).
At Notre Dame for example, each of the 19 incoming football scholarship freshmen receive a yearly benefit (tuition, room, board) having an approximate value of $15,000.
Now, individual zones would receive a far less generous $8.8 million in yearly benefits.
The yearly economic benefit of this service to the nation equals more than $64 billion.
This action would hold yearly benefits of more than $1 billion.
Which will pay for 6 months of a nurse....or the yearly benefits of single parent family.
Ms. Rohatynskyj estimated that between yearly benefits and other activities the Kirsch catering company has helped raise about 80 percent of the food bank's operating budget in the last nine years.
Fund-raising is done through yearly benefits (this year's - "Lunatic Fringe Benefit" - will be held next Friday at the cafe) and that attitude has not been an uncommon one.
Since its founding, the yearly benefit has raised millions of dollars for scholarships.
The move secured his pension, although by dropping the normal 30-day notice reduced his yearly benefit by $10,000.