The program offers kids about 50-60 games and year-round training and instruction.
The organization offers year-round training and competition in 32 Olympic-style summer and winter sports.
The players wanted the rule because the demands on their body have increased with more playoff games, year-round training and participation on national teams.
He knows that he can't keep up with this year-round training anymore.
Despite all the year-round training we have, pitchers need a certain amount of time to get ready, and there's no way to short-cut that.
Competition, combined with technology, has become so keen that to be a world-class athlete in most sports requires year-round training.
It appears that the years of year-round training that Charles had bought with Church funds, paid off.
For now, Chelsea said, the year-round training has helped her hit the softball harder and get to base faster.
Today, the Olympic Park is used for year-round training and competitions.
The Land Forces practice extensive year-round military training in various conditions.