The principal of Los Angeles High School, Anne L. Felatico, sees year-round education as "the only way to go."
During its years at the Mount, the company also developed year-round education and training programs about Shakespeare in public and private schools mainly in New England.
The city may have to consider splitting the school day into several shifts, teaching some classes at night and instituting year-round education.
And if the problems of air-conditioning, staff salaries and New York State law can be dealt with, school officials are hoping to introduce year-round education.
By the 1992-93 school year, year-round education had attracted a record 2,048 schools.
Not everyone approves of the Beacon system, nor the principle of year-round education.
The goal of MOSS is the continued development of a year-round education and resource facility that:
The Fluency Institute developed into a year-round continuing education program.
Bought by the UC Alumni association in 1958, the lodge became a year-round education and recreation center with dining room, swimming pool and beds for 150.
Educators first turned to year-round education to fit more children into classrooms, but in inner cities like Trenton, it is viewed as a way toget children off the streets.